13 de febrero de 2012

Stopping, Regrouping and WPPI :)

There are moments in life when you just need to stop, take a step back, regroup and step back up to the stage again. Though I needed a longer regrouping time than I thought, I am back again with batteries fully recharged and ready for what comes ahead!

Today marks the final countdown to the best wedding photographers conference in the US - WPPI {Wedding Portrait Photographer International} -. Four more days and I will finally be able to meet my Pursuit 31 friends, attend classes from amazing photographers I admire, assist in photo shoots with a very talented couple, walk two huge rooms filled with top vendors in the photography world and much more!!

If in a single weekend I learned SO much, I can't wait to see what will I learn in a whole week! If you read this and you will be there please leave a comment and let me know, I'd love to meet you!


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