11 de octubre de 2011

El Anfitrión Ausente / The Missing Host

San Francisco Día 3 / Day 3

ES. Espero que hayan descansado lo suficiente para seguir caminando y conociendo la ciudad. Hoy tenemos que tomar los últimos dos tours del paquete y caminaremos por el famoso barrio Chino. ¿Listos?

Después de desayunar nos dirigimos a la bahía para tomar el tour que nos llevaría a conocer el puente Golden Gate.  Cual fue nuestra sorpresa que al llegar la neblina tenía cubierto por completo la vista hacía el puente. 

EN. I hope you had enough rest to keep walking and learning about the city. Today we are going to take the last two tours from the bundle and we will walk through the famous China Town. Ready?

After breakfast we went to Fisherman's Wharf to take the tour that would take us to the Golden Gate Bridge. Imagine our surprise when we got there and the heavy fog had the bridge completely covered. 

ES. Por lo menos vimos un pequeño arco del otro lado del puente. 

EN. At least we saw a little arch from the other side of the bridge. 

ES. De regreso en Union Square abordamos el último tour que nos llevaría a conocer las famosas casas Victorianas. Ya arriba del autobus me encuentro con este lindo anuncio de Tiffany & Co. y no pude resistir la tentación de fotografiarlo =) 

EN. Back in Union Square we boarded the las tour that would take us to the famous Victorian houses. Up in the double deck of the bus I found this lovely Tiffany & Co. ad and I couldn't resist to take a picture of it =) 

ES. Parte del ingreso de la comunidad hotelera es destinada hacia el fondo para fomentar las artes, es por eso que encontramos diferentes tipos de murales que decoran los laterales de los edificios.

EN. Part of the income from all the hotels is destined to the art fund to impulse the arts, that is why we find different types of murals decorating the sides of the buildings.

ES. No estaba segura de incluir esta foto, pero NUNCA había visto un baño público como este!

EN. I was not sure of including this picture, but I have NEVER seen a public restroom like this one!

ES. Llegamos al Barrio Chino! Lleno de color y tradición, por unas horas nos sumergimos a un pedacito de China.

EN. We got to China Town! Full of color and tradition, for a couple of hours we submerged ourselves to a little piece of China.

ES. Dando vueltas por la ciudad vimos diferentes tipos de arquitectura.

EN. Walking around the city we saw different kinds of architecture.

ES. Las famosas Siete Hermanas. Se acuerdan del programa `Full House´?

EN. The famous Seven Sisters. Do you remember the show `Full House´?

ES. No les encantaría tener una moto como estas??

EN. Wouldn't you like to have a motorcycle like these??

ES. La luz en el rostro del maniquí era muy tenebroso, como sacado de una película. 

EN.. Lighting in the face of the mannequin looks creepy, like out of a movie.  

ES. Después de caminar todo el día nos merecíamos una cena clásica americana y ningún otro lugar mejor que Lory's Dinner para un ambiente de los años 50. 

EN. After walking all day we deserved a traditional american dinner and no better place than Lory's Dinner for an authentic 50's feeling. 

ES. Este día se ha hecho largo y por lo tanto los dejo para que descansen. Recarguen pilas para la próxima semana porque no se imaginan lo que viene! 

EN. This post has gotten long, so I let you rest for tonight. Recharge batteries for next week because you don't imagine what is to come! 

10 de octubre de 2011

79 años de ejemplo / 79 years of example

Desde que tengo memoria me pedía que sonriera aún cuando estaba enojada.  Lograba sacarme una sonrisa aún cuando estaba triste. Ya sea que contara un chiste, me hiciera cosquillas o hasta su famoso “coconyimi” lograba alegrarnos el día. Por algo de joven era conocido como el Happy.

Mi abuelo era como el protagonista de una película clásica: guapo, galante, con porte, simpático, detallista, trabajador, cariñoso; de esos con los que soñamos desde niñas. Pasar tiempo a su lado era algo muy lindo; verlo interactuar con mi abuela era una dulzura; observarlo en su oficina era muy impresionante, verlo trabajar era inspirador.

Hoy mi abuelo ha envejecido, cumple 79 años y aunque se que nunca va a leer esto quiero que la persona que lo haga sepa el impacto que este hombre ha tenido en mi vida. Pase junto con él etapas muy alegres, algunas otras muy dolorosas y aunque pocas veces lo vi llorar, cuando eso pasaba sus lagrimas iban acompañadas de un silbido; un silbido que significaba que estaba luchando para seguir caminando hacia delante, aún cuando había dolor en su corazón. Eso me enseñó a luchar, a saber que se puede salir adelante.

Ahora los años se reflejan en su rostro, en su mirada, en su caminar; ahora nosotros lo tomamos de la mano para caminar así como el tomo la mía cuando era pequeña, y no hay un día en que deje de darle gracias a Dios por permitirme crecer y aprender de un hombre como el.

Porque es mi ejemplo de fe, mi ejemplo para salir adelante, para superar las pruebas más difíciles de la vida siempre con una sonrisa. Porque su cariño siempre ira impregnado en mi corazón y sus oraciones siempre serán agradecidas y por muchas cosas más no tengo palabras para expresar mi amor por este hombre tan maravilloso que Dios me presta día a día.

Tata, siempre quisiste que te llamáramos abuelo pero sonaba muy formal, un poco frío y tu eres todo lo contrario! Eres un cascabel que llena de alegría su camino! Gracias por todos los momentos que hemos pasado, por los regaños, las sonrisas, los juegos, las bromas, tu paciencia, tu amor, pero sobre todo tu ejemplo. Nunca tendré las palabras suficientes para expresar cuanto te admiro y cuanto te amo!

Tu Chiquitina  

Since I was a little girl he asked me to smile when I was angry. He managed to make me smile when I was sad. He would either tell me a joke or tickle me to change my mood. No wonder he was called Happy when he was young. 

Mi grandfather was like the lead actor in a classic romantic movie: handsome, funny, romantic, hard worker, caring; the kind of guy that a girl dream for when she is little. Spending time with him was very nice; seeing him interact with my grandmother was the sweetest thing; watching him in his office was quite the adventure; watching him work was very inspiring. 

Today my grandfather is one year older, he turns 79, and even though I know he will not read this I want that whoever reads this know the impact he has made in my life. I have spent with him really happy times, some very sad moments; and even though I rarely saw him cry, when it happened his tears were always accompanied with a whistle. A whistle that meant that he was trying to move forward with life, even when there was pain in his heart. 

Now the years are reflected in his face,  in his gaze, in his walking; now we hold his hand when he walks, just as he held mine when I was a little girl. There is not a day that passed without thanking God for allowing me to grow and learn from a man like him. 

Because he is my example in faith, me example in overcoming life's hardest obstacles always with a smile. His love and care will always go impregnated in my heart and his prayers will always be appreciated, and for many other things, I don't have enough words to express my love for this wonderful man that God lends me day by day. 

Tata, you always wanted us to call you grandpa but it sounded formal and a little cold and you are everything but that! You are a happy bell that fills with joy the path you walk! Thank you for all the moments that we have spent together, for the scolding, the smiles, the games, the jokes, your patience, your love, but above all these your example. I will never have the words to express how much I admire you and how much I love you! 

Your little girl. 

4 de octubre de 2011

Destino: San Francisco - Día 1

Bienvenidos a bordo al vuelo 1004 con destino a San Francisco, espero que ya hayan documentado sus maletas y esten listos para seguir conmigo en este viaje.  

Con las maletas documentadas y los ánimos al cien, despegamos del aeropuerto de San Diego temprano por la mañana para llegar a media mañana a San Francisco y disfrutar del día. Aproximadamente dos horas de vuelo y una siesta después llegamos a nuestras tan deseadas vacaciones! 

Tomamos un taxi que nos llevo hasta nuestro hotel, donde nos tomamos la primera foto oficial de vacaciones :) Para no desperdiciar el día salimos hacia el Pier 39 en donde comimos muy sabroso y tuvimos nuestra primer aventura extrema. Al momento de querer pagar una nieve después de andar caminando, recoger nuestros pases de transporte y turistear un rato, me doy cuenta que no traigo dinero en mi cartera! Ni pasaporte, ni dinero, ni nada, solo mi triste cartera amarilla vacía! Si, me robaron, pero tuvieron la amabilidad de regresarme mi cartera! En el momento lo único que me importo fue el pasaporte, que después de una búsqueda desesperada encontré oculto en uno de los compartimentos de la cartera! Si iba a poder regresar a Mexico!! wujuu! 

Pasamos el trago amargo y seguimos conociendo, pero esta vez tomamos dos tours alrededor de la bahía para conocer los lugares más representativos de San Francisco. Uno por la tarde, que nos llevo a ver el centro de la ciudad, el edificio del Ferry, donde nos bajamos y recorrimos un poco para conocer. Y otro por la noche para conocer otra parte de la ciudad, de lo cual lo más representativo fueron las 7 hermanas, unas casas victorianas que son todas iguales y salían en un programa de televisión americano. *

Después de un día lleno de emociones regresamos a nuestro hotel en los famosos Cable Cars para descansar y recargar baterías para el siguiente día.... 

continuará :) 


* Al bajar el sol el clima enfrió lo cual no me permitió sacar las manos y tomar fotos :P  

28 de septiembre de 2011

Martes de Viajes / Traveling Tuesday

Planeando las Vacaciones / Planning Vacations 

ES. En honor al verano que se ha ido me gustaría hacer un recuento de las vacaciones que hicimos en familia por primera vez en varios años, y así darle la bienvenida al otoño (mi estación favorita!) y las aventuras que nos depara. Durante las semanas siguientes conocerán día a día como fueron nuestras vacaciones familiares.

Siempre nos han gustado las vacaciones. Todos los veranos desde que éramos pequeños viajábamos a la playa para descansar de la escuela y escapar del calor por un tiempo. Y aunque teníamos tiempo sin salir juntos de vacaciones, hicimos un espacio en el año para tomarnos unos días para conocer, relajarnos y divertirnos.

Tras semanas de pensar, platicar y preguntar decidimos ir a San Francisco! Así que organice un itinerario flexible pero que tuviera todos los lugares a los que queríamos visitar. Unas semanas antes de la fecha programada hice las reservaciones necesarias para los tours que queríamos y todo estaba listo para emprender una nueva aventura!

Vamos a empacar y nos vemos la próxima semana!

PD. Las fotos empiezan el próximo martes ;)

EN. To honor the end of summer and to welcome fall (my favorite season of the year), I would like to take some time to review this year’s family vacations. During the following weeks you will be able to share with us our family vacations.

We have always liked vacations. Every summer since we were little kids mom and dad would take us to the Beach to rest from the school year and to get away from the hot weather for a while. And even though we had a long time without taking a family vacation, we took some time this year to know new places, relax and have fun.

After weeks talking, discussing and asking around we decided to go to San Francisco! I organized a flexible itinerary, but it included all the places we wanted to visit. A couple of weeks before departure day I made the requiered reservations for the tours we wanted and everything was ready to start a new adventure!

Let’s pack and see you next week!

PS. Pictures start next Tuesday ;) 

26 de septiembre de 2011

Recuerdos en Caja / Boxed Memories

ES.  La vida esta llena de recuerdos, buenos y malos, alegres y tristes, divertidos y aburridos, no pueden estar unos sin los otros porque eso es lo que le pone sabor a la vida y la hace tan especial.

Mientras reorganizaba mi cuarto el fin de semana me di cuenta que tengo varias cajas en las que guardo algunos de esos recuerdos. Las tengo clasificadas, una tiene cartas, notas y tarjetas que he recibido, una que tiene fotos variadas, otra que tiene fotos de algún viaje, otra que tiene discos que escuchaba en la escuela, otra que tiene libros que leí hace tiempo y no caben en mi librero. Encontré tantas cosas que las cerré y las regrese al lugar en donde estaban y me di cuenta de lo accesibles que están. Al alcance de todos pero al mismo tiempo están acomodadas de tal manera que no llaman la atención para querer conocer su contenido. Y la verdad me dio gusto! Porque hay recuerdos que no me gusta compartir y prefiero que se queden ahí guardados en una caja como si no hubieran existido.

Estaba terminando ese pensamiento cuando recordé que Dios conoce los secretos más profundos de nuestro corazón. Ups! Por un momento me sentí expuesta, sin saber donde esconderme y me tomo unos segundos recordar que si, es cierto que Dios conoce mis secretos más profundos pero por ser Su hija extendió su gracia a mi vida y no soy juzgada por esos secretos; por Su sangre fui justificada y puedo acercarme a El sin temor a nada. Y una vez más lo único que me queda por hacer es guardar silencio y agradecer tanto amor incondicional! 

Cuando permitimos que Dios examine nuestros corazones y confiamos en su amor cosas hermosas suceden. 

EN. Life is full of memories, good and bad, happy and sad, fun and boring, they cannot be one without the other because that is what spices up life and makes it special.

While I was reorganizing my room during the weekend I realized that I have a couple of boxes in which I keep some of those memories. They are all labeled, there is one that keeps letters, notes and cards that I have received, another one has a mixture of photos, one has photos of a trip I made in High School, a bigger box has Cd’s that I listened to years ago, and there is one that keeps some old books that don’t fit in my bookshelf. I found so many things that I closed them and put them back and suddenly I realized that they were within everybody’s reach. Everyone who comes to my room can see them, but they are in such a way that they don’t invite guests to know what they keep inside. Honestly that makes me happy because there are things that I don’t want to share and I want them to be kept in a box, like they never happened.

As I finished that thought I remembered that God knows our deepest secrets. Yikes! For a moment I felt exposed, embarrassed and as I was looking for a place to hide, it took me a couple of seconds to realize that I didn’t have to hide. Yes He knows my deepest secrets but I am His daughter and only because of that He has extended His mercy upon my life and I am no longer judged by those secrets; by His blood I have been redeemed and I can come close to the Father without fear. When I remember this all I can do is stand still and be thankful for such an unconditional love! 

When we allow God to examine our hearts and trust in His love, beautiful things happen. 

29 de agosto de 2011

1 Question + 2 Answers = Bigger Faith

Whenever I have doubts I ask God for an answer. Sometimes the answer I am longing for takes a little more time than I would want, but at the end His timing is perfect and He knows what is best for me, so I believe the answer will come. 

A couple of weeks ago I was asking God if my photography dream came from His heart or I made it up. I asked for a sign or something that could let me know that this dream of pursuing a career in photography was coming from Him, and as always he answered, not once but twice.  

First, He reminded me through my aunt how and when my dream started. And it gave me chills. My memory raced to that day when God helped me connect the missing dots in my life and it all pointed towards photography. I was standing in a room filled with people with tears running down my cheeks, looking back to all those times when photography was part of my life but I had taken it for granted. I don’t want to take it for granted! I want to pursue it with all my heart! I want to run towards it knowing that it is a God given talent.

Two weeks ago I was doing a commercial shoot early in the morning, sunrise to be exact. Due to light showers during the night, it was a humid morning with beautiful clouds in the sky. We don’t get clouds very often so I was a happy girl =). I was capturing the last images of the shoot when I saw this little but sweet rainbow coming from behind the building I was photographing. And once again I was reminded of His promise, I felt reassured in what I am doing and felt so much joy in my heart that tears built up in my eyes and I thanked Him for answering His doubtful daughter.

If these two are not confirmations then I don’t know what are.

Happy Monday!! 

30 de abril de 2011


I have 10 minutes to write this, so I will try to keep it short.

This week has been full of surprises, blessings, unexpected twists and turns, ups and downs and as I walk out to cover a Quinceañera (Sweet Sixteen), I know where I stand and who is walking before me. I thank God for His opportunities and His providence.

I was incredibly happy when a reknown photographer from Mexicali called me in the beginning of the week and asked me to help him cover and event on Saturday, as in today, I happily said yes and thanked him for the opportunity. I think I can call Francisco Arce my mentor. I really look up to keep working with you and I hope I do a good job. Thank you one more time!

I am nervous and happy at the same time; I hope I don’t squeal too much tonight with excitement and emotion. Pray for me, so I can pull this out the right way, representing Francisco’s studio correctly. I will be back on Monday telling you about the experience! See you then!! 

Happy Saturday!!

25 de abril de 2011

Finding my voice

It has been a while since I last wrote here and I have been anxious to get back to writing :) 

For the last couple of weeks I have been thinking, getting the strength to get out of my comfort zone and find my identity as a photographer. All this comes as a result of watching the fabulous Jasmine Star in her second CreativeLIVE online workshop.

I was stressing a little about not finding my voice after just a couple of months of starting my business and I want to thank her for being honest and open about her career and letting us know that it took her a couple of years to find her style, because it gave my permission to take my time and find it, at my own pace, at the right time. Saying that Jasmine gave me permission might seem a little funny, because as an adult sometimes we don’t need a many permissions to do stuff, but this was different. This is a FABULOUS woman, with a GREAT career and AWESOME life and she inspires me, she gave herself permission to take her time, to find her voice and that means I can too, we all can.

Jasmine thank you for being honest, for keeping it real, for inspiring me (and the whole Internet) for pushing me to fight for my dreams, and to dream big! 

28 de marzo de 2011

Conociendo al Barón

Aprovechando el fin de semana largo que tuvimos por el 21 de Marzo, organizamos un viaje a los viñedos de Barón Balché para asistir al 1er Festival del Olivo en el Valle de Guadalupe.

Invitados por las chicas de Oinos Wine Bar nos fuimos a disfrutar de un frío pero agradable día donde probamos quesos, aceites de olivo, panes, una rica comida y una muy buena compañía.

El evento fue todo un éxito y a los más de mil asistentes nos dejaron con un muy buen sabor de boca, tanto por su comida y sus vinos, y nos dejaron con ganas de regresar.

Aquí les dejo mis fotos favoritas del día.

 Me gustaron las etiquetas :) 

Barón Tinto.

 El souvenir para la colección.


16 de marzo de 2011

Laura y Eduardo

I met Laura when we were little girls. As time passed by we became like family, we became cousins. That’s why when she asked me to photograph her wedding I was really excited and honored. 

Laura looked really beautiful and radiant with happiness. Eduardo looked handsome and calm. They planned the entire wedding together, taking care of all the details that would build their beautiful day.

The ceremony was lovely officiated by her uncle that came from Guadalajara to bless their union. Intimate, cozy, beautiful are the first words that come to my mind to describe the day.

Laura and Eduardo thank you for letting me be part of the most important day of your life, I was honored to capture every look, every detail, every moment of your wedding. I wish your marriage is filled with love, laughter and happiness forever. With much love, Jess.

Starting with a touch of pink in her hair piece. 

Pink chocolate kissed for dessert! Yum!

I just love when bride and groom hold hands. Pure love.


 You guys are awesome!!

I have to say that the cake was d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s.

Details all around the place were lovely in place.

First dance.

 Proud father with his beautiful daughter.

I loved this picture. Can you see the love?

Oh yes they enjoyed dancing.

I want to end with this picture because it perfectly represents their love.